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Veterans’ Benefits Planning

If you served in the United States Armed Forces, you may be eligible for additional benefits from the Veterans Administration. Veterans, as well as widows and widowers of Veterans, who need help with the essential activities of daily life (dressing, walking, eating, bathing, etc.) may receive the help they need through a program of the U.S. Veterans Administration called Aid and Attendance.

If you served 90 consecutive days and at least one of them was during wartime, you could be due a monthly benefit of up to $2054 per month, tax free! This benefit could be used for in-home care, assisted living or nursing home care. In some cases, it can even be used to pay for a child or someone else to care for you in your home.

At Nathan Ziegler & Associates, we can help you in the process of planning for your veterans’ benefits in Lubbock, Midland and Amarillo TX – call us today!